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- 1988/89 Revised Edition
- W H A T Y O U S H O U L D K N O W I F Y O U ' R E
- A C C U S E D O F A C R I M E
- by Joyce B. David, Esq.
- Foreword by the Hon. Milton Mollen
- Presiding Justice Appellate Division
- Second Judicial Department
- 1
- Copyright c 1986, 1988 - by Joyce B. David, Esq.
- All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
- reproduced, translated or transmitted in any form or by any
- means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording,
- or any information storage and retrieval system, without
- permission in writing from the author, except by a reviewer, who
- may quote brief passages in a review.
- Requests for permission to make copies of any part of this
- work should be directed to: Joyce B. David, Esq., 16 Court Street
- (Tower Suite), Brooklyn, New York, 11241, (718) 875-2000.
- If you're reading this on an Electronic Bulletin Board, you
- may download it for your own use. If you're interested in order-
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- Make checks payable to: Balaban Publishing Co.
- Legal Handbooks Division
- 163 Joralemon Street - Suite 1502
- Brooklyn, New York, 11201.
- Printed in the United States of America
- 1988/89 Revised Edition
- ISBN 0-9617121-1-2
- 2
- F O R E W O R D
- Anyone confronting the bewildering and, to many, the intimi-
- dating and nerve shattering complexities of the New York State
- criminal justice system for the first time in his or her life,
- will find Joyce David's handbook outlining the ABC's of the
- system an invaluable tool in dealing with them.
- A highly-respected attorney with a wealth of first-hand
- experience in all aspects of criminal law, Ms. David's thorough,
- step-by-step description of what a criminal case is all about,
- written in language readily understood by the average layman,
- unschooled in legal procedures and terminlolgy, will do much to
- ease the pain of that first encounter with the law.
- Ms. David, expertly and concisely, spells out just what he
- or she may expect at every stage of the case, explaining just
- what will happen and why.
- As she points out correctly in her own introduction, those
- exposed for the first time to the criminal justice system often
- feel as though they are in a foreign country, with strange new
- rules, procedures and language. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW IF YOU'RE
- ACCUSED OF A CRIME provides the anxious "tourist" with a thor-
- oughly professional and knowledgeable guidebook.
- Milton Mollen
- Presiding Justice
- Appellate Division
- Second Judicial Department
- 3
- Introduction--------------------------------------------------- 5
- Choosing a Criminal Lawyer------------------------------------- 5
- Lawyer/Client Relationship------------------------------------- 6
- Lawyers' Fees-------------------------------------------------- 6
- Before You're Arrested----------------------------------------- 7
- Don't Confess-------------------------------------------------- 7
- Some Other Don'ts---------------------------------------------- 8
- Line-ups------------------------------------------------------- 8
- Surrender------------------------------------------------------ 9
- Things Your Lawyer May Need to Know---------------------------- 9
- The Arrest-----------------------------------------------------10
- Booking--------------------------------------------------------11
- C.J.A. Interview-----------------------------------------------11
- What Else Happens Before Arraignment---------------------------12
- Criminal Court Arraignment-------------------------------------12
- Bail-----------------------------------------------------------13
- Assigned Counsel-----------------------------------------------14
- Felonies-------------------------------------------------------15
- Misdemeanors & Violations--------------------------------------15
- Youthful Offender----------------------------------------------16
- Juvenile Offenders---------------------------------------------16
- Civil Forfeitures----------------------------------------------16
- What Can Happen to Your Case-----------------------------------17
- What Happens After Criminal Court Arraignment------------------17
- Grand Jury-----------------------------------------------------18
- Indictment-----------------------------------------------------18
- Silent Indictment----------------------------------------------19
- Supreme Court Arraignment--------------------------------------19
- Court Appearances----------------------------------------------20
- Bench Warrants & Bail Forfeitures------------------------------20
- Getting Back Bail Money----------------------------------------21
- What Takes So Long---------------------------------------------22
- Trial Preparation----------------------------------------------22
- To Plead or Not To Plead---------------------------------------23
- Pre-Trial Hearings---------------------------------------------24
- Trial----------------------------------------------------------26
- Sentencing-----------------------------------------------------28
- Appeals--------------------------------------------------------29
- "Assert Your Rights" Card--------------------------------------29
- About the Author-----------------------------------------------31
- 4
- People exposed to the Criminal Justice System for the first
- time often feel like they're in a foreign country with strange
- rules, procedures and language.
- This handbook is geared to the state system in New York
- City, but many of the general principles apply to other jurisdic
- tions as well. It's based on over 10 years of experience "in the
- trenches". It's a realistic, not a philosophical look at the
- system.
- This handbook has general information and shows how cases
- make their way through the system. Most of the legal terms used
- are explained in the text or are self-explanatory.
- This handbook doesn't deal with specific cases or crimes.
- There's alot of information that's just too technical or compli-
- cated for this book. If you have specific questions about a
- case, you'll have to consult a lawyer personally.
- The Criminal Justice System, just like the rest of life, is
- not always fair. That doesn't mean we give up, it just means we
- try harder.
- If you can afford a private lawyer, I suggest you hire a
- criminal lawyer. You wouldn't go to an eye doctor for a problem
- with your elbow.
- If you don't know any criminal lawyers, call your local bar
- association, or check with friends or relatives who may have had
- criminal problems.
- It's not a good idea to hire a lawyer who approaches you in
- the court-house. Lawyers are not supposed to solicit clients
- that way.
- Find out how much criminal experience a lawyer has before
- hiring him/her. The more serious the charges against you, the
- more experienced a lawyer you need.
- It helps if your lawyer practices where your case is pend-
- ing. S/he'll know the judges and D.A.s (District Attorneys) and
- will have a better idea of what you can expect in your case.
- (The D.A. is the one who prosecutes the case against you.)
- 5
- You also have an advantage if the judges and D.A.s know and
- respect your lawyer. They're more likely to listen if your
- lawyer has a good reputation.
- It's important to trust your lawyer. His/her job is to
- defend you and protect you from the system, whether you're inno-
- cent or guilty. If you committed the crime or participated in
- some way and don't feel comfortable telling your lawyer, you
- should get a different lawyer.
- You're not helping yourself if you think your lawyer will do
- a better job if s/he thinks you're innocent. It's not a good
- relationship if you don't trust him/her enough to be truthful..pa
- Your lawyer can't advise you effectively if you keep things
- from him/her. Everything you tell your lawyer is confidential,
- even if you eventually hire a different lawyer.
- You should ask your lawyer to explain what's happening with
- your case. Don't think your questions are stupid just because
- you don't understand the system. It's a very complicated system.
- That's why you need a lawyer in the first place.
- Just because your lawyer isn't in touch with you all the
- time, doesn't mean s/he isn't working on your case.
- There will be times when your lawyer may have to give prior-
- ity to someone else's case. This is most likely to happen when
- s/he's doing a trial. Trial is the most important and difficult
- part of a case. It demands the most attention and concentration.
- Don't feel slighted if your lawyer can't appear on your
- case when s/he's on trial with another defendant. It doesn't
- mean your case isn't important, just that at this time, another
- client's case needs priority.
- You'll appreciate this when your case goes to trial. You
- wouldn't want your lawyer distracted by less pressing matters
- when you face your moment of truth.
- Lawyers' fees vary depending on the amount of experience
- they have and the nature of the case. It's better to have a
- clear understanding about the fee before any work is done, so
- your lawyer can concentrate on your case and not your bill.
- 6
- Your lawyer's fee will usually not include any other ex-
- penses. You'll probably have to pay additional money fora pri-
- vate investigator, expert witnesses (if necessary), transcripts,
- etc. Appeals and civil work are also usually extra.
- Criminal lawyers usually require most or all of their fee up
- front. This should all be clearly spelled out in the retainer
- agreement you sign when you retain the lawyer.
- Ironically, innocent people often have to pay higher
- fees.Because they're less likely to plead guilty, their cases
- usually require more work, to prepare for and take through trial.
- You shouldn't be looking for bargains when your freedom and
- reputation are at stake.
- The sooner you get a lawyer involved in your case, the
- better. There are important decisions to be made and rights to
- be protected, early in a case. If you're accused of drunk driv-
- ing, you should contact a lawyer before you submit to a breatha-
- lyzer test.
- If you find out the police are looking for you, it's best to
- call a lawyer before responding to them. If you can't afford a
- private lawyer, call the Legal Aid Society.
- The police are interested in making out a case against
- someone they suspect committed a crime. They're not your
- friends, unless you're the victim of a crime. The police may
- mislead you if they want you to talk to them, and you may find
- yourself under arrest based on your own statements to them.
- The police are very good at getting confessions. That's the
- easiest way for them to wrap up a case.
- Even if they use deceptive methods to get a confession, like
- telling you things will go easier, or that a co-defendant has
- implicated you, this may be considered good police work, and a
- judge may allow the D.A. use your statement against you.
- If you have a lawyer before you get arrested, s/he can find
- out if the police want to question you as a witness or a
- suspect.
- 7
- If you're a suspect, your lawyer can tell the police that
- s/he doesn't want you questioned. If they question you after
- that, they won't be able to use your statements against you,
- unless they can prove that you blurted out a confession without
- being asked any questions.
- If you're arrested and don't have a lawyer, don't answer any
- questions or make any statements about your case to the police or
- the D.A. Don't allow yourself to be video-taped. Whether they
- read you your rights or not, tell them you want to speak to a
- lawyer. Don't think you can outsmart the police.
- Your silence can't be used against you, but it's very hardto
- defend you if you've made a confession (or admission). Even
- telling the police that you were at the scene of the crime but
- didn't do anything is an admission to an element of the crime.
- If you're in jail, be careful what you say about your case
- to other inmates. You never know when one of them will try to
- work out his/her own problem by becoming a witness against you.
- Don't consent to a search of your person, home, or car.
- Don't consent to be in a line-up or show-up.
- This doesn't mean you should physically resist, just that
- you should object and tell the police you want a lawyer.
- Don't resist arrest or become verbally abusive to the police
- or you might find yourself charged with additional crimes, and
- possibly injured in the arrest process.
- If the police intend to put you in a line-up, ask to have a
- lawyer there. S/he can determine if they have the right to do
- so, and if they don't, s/he can protect you.
- If they do have the right to put you in the line-up, s/he
- can monitor the procedure to make sure it's done fairly.
- If the persons placed in the line-up with you don't resemble
- you, s/he can ask the police to find better fillers. If they
- won't find better fillers, s/he can make notes of the differences
- in appearance between you and the fillers, to help you later when
- the D.A. tries to use the line-up identification against you.
- 8
- The police usually take a black & white Polaroid picture of
- the line-up that doesn't clearly show the differences between
- you and the fillers.
- If you didn't have a lawyer at the line-up, this photo and
- the police testimony will often be the only evidence a judge will
- have, to determine if the line-up was fair.
- Your lawyer can help you decide the best place to sit and
- number to hold to minimize the chance of being picked out.
- S/he can make sure the police don't do anything improper,
- like suggesting in some way that the witness pick you out.
- Having a lawyer at this early stage can be very helpful. If
- you're not picked out of the line-up in the first place, your
- case might be over before it begins, and you'll save yourself a
- great deal of hassle and money.
- Identification cases are the most difficult to defend. Even
- though identification testimony is the least accurate, it's the
- most believed by jurors.
- If you're a suspect in a crime, your lawyer can arrange for
- you to surrender.
- The reason it's good to surrender (if the police intend to
- arrest you), is that it will show the court that you're a respon-
- sible person, worthy of being "released on your own recognizance"
- (R.O.R.'d), or of having low bail set when you first appear
- before a judge for arraignment. It may also be helpful at plea
- or trial to show your cooperation.
- The purpose of setting bail is to make sure you return to
- court. By surrendering in the first place, you show that you're
- likely to return to court without having high bail set.
- Your lawyer can tell the judge that you knew the police were
- looking for you, had the chance to run, but didn't. Surrendering
- won't guarantee low bail, but it gives you a better shot.
- There are things your lawyer needs to know, to defend you.
- Below is a list of some information s/he may need from you:
- 9
- 1) Whether you have any witnesses. These include alibi
- witnesses; character witnesses & eyewitnesses;
- 2) The names, addresses and phone numbers of your witness-
- es, so s/he can get their statements, and advise them of the
- disadvantage to you if they speak the D.A.;
- 3) Where and when you were arrested and the circumstances
- surrounding your arrest;
- 4) Whether you were shown to any witnesses by the police
- and the specifics of that identification procedure;
- 5) Whether the police found anything on you relating to
- the crime;
- 6) Whether the police had an arrest warrant or a search
- warrant;
- 7) Whether you made any statements to the police or the
- D.A. If so - Were you read your rights? Was any force used
- against you? Do you have any injuries?
- 8) Whether you know the witnesses against you and if they
- have any motive to lie;
- 9) Whether you're on probation or parole;
- 10) Whether you have any problems that may affect your
- case, like mental or physical problems, or problems with drugs or
- alcohol. Sometimes these problems may help your defense;
- 11) Your immigration status. If you're not a citizen, a
- criminal conviction may create problems for you with immigration.
- A police officer can arrest you, without a warrant, if s/he
- sees you committing a felony, misdemeanor or violation. S/he can
- arrest you for a felony or misdemeanor (even without a warrant),
- if s/he has "probable cause" to believe you committed a crime.
- All it takes is one person making a criminal complaint
- against you, without any corroboration, to give the police
- "probable cause" to arrest you. They'll arrest you even if you
- tell them you're innocent. They hear that from almost every
- defendant, even the guilty ones, so they leave it for the courts
- to decide.
- People find it hard to believe that they can be arrested
- based on one person's accusation, but that's the law.
- 10
- The police should have a warrant if they're arresting you at
- home, but there are exceptions to every rule.
- When you're arrested, you'll be processed by the police
- (booked) before being brought to court for arraignment.
- The amount of time between arrest and arraignment varies
- from borough to borough.
- After some preliminaries in the precinct, which usually
- include being searched, fingerprinted, photographed, and in
- certain cases, an identification procedure (line-up or show-up),
- you'll be taken to Central Booking in the borough of arrest, to
- be processed further.
- There are sometimes delays in the booking process. Your
- fingerprints have to be sent to Albany to get your criminal
- record and check if you have any open warrants.
- Sometimes the computers aren't working and this delays
- getting your criminal record. If it's your first arrest, the
- process often takes longer. If you refuse to be fingerprinted,
- you can be held until you agree.
- After you're booked, you'll be interviewed by the N.Y.C.
- Criminal Justice Agency (C.J.A.), about your residence, employ-
- ment, criminal record, etc. (not about the facts of your case).
- It's important to answer their questions accurately. They
- will contact a friend or family member (depending on the name you
- give them as a contact person) to verify your information.
- If you give them incorrect information, it may hurt your
- chance of getting low bail, because they'll note the fact that
- your information was inconsistent with the verifyer's, and it
- will look like you're trying to hide something from the court.
- They use the information to prepare a recommendation as to
- bail (often called an R.O.R. sheet), to help the judge in ar-
- raignments decide the question of bail or R.O.R.
- 11
- While you're being booked and interviewed by C.J.A., the
- D.A.'s office will be drawing up a formal complaint against you.
- This is usually done by their Early Case Assessment Bureau
- (E.C.A.B.). They interview the arresting officer and/or the
- witnesses/victims, and decide what you'll be charged with.
- All of the above has to be done before you can be brought to
- court for arraignment.
- There are often delays in being brought to court. The
- system may be backed up if alot of people have been arrested
- before you who are also waiting for arraignment. It's not uncom-
- mon for the delay to be more that 24 hours.
- If it appears to Central Booking that you won't be arraigned
- the day you're booked, you'll be taken to a precinct to be lodged
- for the night. People often get very upset at this delay, but
- there's really nothing you can do about it.
- Your lawyer can find out where you are in the system and let
- your family know approximately when you'll be arraigned. In
- certain boroughs, private lawyers are given preference once
- you're produced in court, and this can speed things up a little.
- At the arraignment, your lawyer will interview you, tell you
- what you're being charged with, advise you of your rights and
- make an application for low bail or R.O.R.
- If you can't afford a private lawyer, there'll be a Legal
- Aid lawyer assigned to your case at the arraignment.
- Your lawyer will often "waive formal arraignment", so the
- charges against you won't be read aloud in open court.
- S/he and the D.A. may have a conference at the bench with
- the judge. There will be a discussion about your case. Your
- lawyer can get some valuable information from the D.A. at this
- "bench conference". There may also be some discussion about a
- plea-bargain at this point.
- Certain cases are disposed of at the arraignment. Your
- lawyer will discuss the offer with you and advise you if s/he
- thinks it would be a good idea to accept it. Sometimes felony
- charges are reduced to misdemeanors at the arraignment.
- 12
- If the charges are serious felonies, it's unlikely they'll
- be disposed of at the arraignment. The D.A. will probably give
- notice that s/he intends to present your case to a Grand Jury.
- Your lawyer may give reciprocal notice, that you wish to testify
- in the Grand Jury in your own behalf. The Grand Jury will be
- discussed more fully, later in this guide.
- The witnesses against you do not have to come to the ar-
- raignment or appear in court unless they're required to testify
- (in the Grand Jury, at a hearing or at trial).
- The judge at the arraignment is the one who decides about
- your bail. You may be R.O.R.'d (released on your own recogni-
- zance), have bail set, or be remanded without bail. Remand is
- likely if you're charged with murder, or if you're charged with a
- serious felony and have another felony case pending.
- It helps to have as many friends and family members as
- possible at the arraignment. The bail may be lower if your
- lawyer can show the judge you have strong community ties, as
- evidenced by all the people who came to court for you.
- Have your people bring money with them for bail. Your
- lawyer can often estimate the amount of bail the judge might set.
- This will depend on the nature of the case, your criminal record,
- your community ties, and which judge is sitting in arraignments.
- If your people have money with them at the arraignment and
- the judge intends to set bail that's a little more than they have
- your lawyer can tell the judge the amount of money your people
- have with them, and the judge might set the bail at that amount,
- so you can be bailed out from court.
- It saves a lot of hassle if you're bailed out from court.
- Once you're removed from the court building, bail has to be put
- up at the jail you're in or at certain other locations in the
- city. Your lawyer can advise you about that.
- Bail can be posted by a bail-bond or in cash. When bail is
- set, there's usually a bond amount set and a cash alternative.
- To get a bail-bond, your people have to see a bail-bondsman.
- He will require some cash (at least 10% of the bond), and collat-
- eral for the rest (a house, bank book or the like).
- The first bail that's set is often the most important. It's
- hard to get a bail reduction unless your lawyer can show there's
- been some change in circumstances since the first bail was set.
- 13
- Many people accused of crimes can't afford to hire a private
- lawyer, and are assigned a Legal Aid lawyer or a lawyer from the
- 18-B panel.
- There are times I've asked someone who calls, if s/he has a
- lawyer already, and s/he says: "No, I have a legal aid". It's
- unfortunate that defendants have that opinion of Legal Aid.
- Lawyers who work for the Legal Aid Society are competent,
- well-trained, dedicated lawyers. The Legal Aid Society has
- excellent support staff, including: investigators; social work-
- ers; and funding for expert witnesses, etc.
- An 18-B lawyer is a private lawyer who accepts assignments
- of criminal cases from the court and is paid by the state to
- represent indigent defendants. There are several reasons why you
- may be assigned an 18-B lawyer, instead of Legal Aid.
- If two or more people are accused of committing a crime
- together, the Legal Aid Society is only allowed to represent one
- of them. The Legal Aid Society is like one big law firm, and
- it's considered a conflict of interests to have the same law firm
- represent co-defendants.
- Legal Aid might not be able to represent you because they
- represent a witness against you who has a pending case. This
- would also be considered a conflict of interests.
- If you're accused of murder, and are indigent, you'll be
- assigned a lawyer from the 18-B "homicide panel". The Legal Aid
- Society usually does not handle murder cases.
- There are different panels of 18-B lawyers for different
- types of cases. These lawyers have been screened to make sure
- they're qualified to handle the kinds of criminal cases they'll
- be assigned to.
- The "misdemeanor panel" has lawyers qualified to handle
- misdemeanor cases.
- The "felony panel" has more experienced criminal lawyers
- than those on the "misdemeanor panel".
- The "homicide panel" has the most experienced criminal
- lawyers.
- The "Family Court panel" is for criminal cases involving
- juveniles that will be handled in the Family Court.
- There's also an "appeals panel" to handle your appeal, if
- you're indigent.
- 14
- There are different categories of crimes. The more serious
- crimes are called felonies. The most serious felonies are "A"
- felonies, the least serious are "E" felonies.
- Certain felonies carry mandatory jail sentences, if you
- plead guilty or are found guilty after trial (conviction). This
- means you can't get probation. These are usually cases involving
- the sale of drugs or the use of a gun or violence: "armed felony
- offenses" and "violent felony offenses" (A.F.O.'s and V.F.O.'s).
- If you're convicted of a felony, you may also lose some of
- your civil rights. In some cases your lawyer can get you a
- Certificate of Relief from Civil Disabilities that may mitigate
- the effect of a felony conviction.
- If you're accused of a felony and have one or more prior
- felony convictions, jail sentences are mandatory and longer.
- Generally, one prior felony conviction makes you a "predi-
- cate felon", more than one prior felony conviction makes you a
- "persistent felony offender".
- If you're on probation or parole, a conviction after trial
- or plea of guilty to a new crime (felony or misdemeanor) can
- violate your probation or parole (V.O.P.) and you'll probably get
- extra jail time.
- The less serious crimes are classified as misdemeanors.
- Violation offenses are less serious than misdemeanors and aren't
- considered crimes.
- If you're arrested for a misdemeanor, violation, or certain
- low grade felonies, the police can, under certain circumstances,
- give you a "desk appearance ticket" (D.A.T.), which is like a
- summons. Instead of going through the booking process and being
- held in jail until you're brought before a judge for arraignment,
- you're released from custody and given a date to appear in court
- to be arraigned.
- Penalties for misdemeanors and violations are less serious
- than those for felonies. You may even be able to get an A.C.D.
- (adjournment in contemplation of dismissal). This means your
- case is adjourned for six months (you don't have to return to
- court), and, if you don't get into trouble within the six months,
- it's dismissed and sealed, as if you were never arrested. You're
- more likely to get an A.C.D. if it's your first arrest.
- 15
- If you were under 19 when the crime you were arrested for
- was committed, and you're convicted (plead guilty or are found
- guilty after trial), the judge might treat you as a "youthful
- offender" (Y.O.) - the conviction is vacated and the case sealed.
- You're entitled to "youthful offender" treatment on your
- first misdemeanor conviction. It's discretionary for certain
- first time felony convictions.
- "Youthful offender" doesn't mean you won't be punished for
- the crime (with jail time or probation), but the punishment is
- often less severe and you won't have a criminal record. This is
- meant to give a young person a chance to straighten out without
- the stigma of a criminal record.
- If you received Y.O. on a prior felony case, then it's as if
- you weren't convicted of that felony and you won't be considered
- a "predicate felon" if you're charged with another felony.
- If you got Y.O. on a prior case, it won't save you from
- extra jail time for violation of the probation or parole from
- that case, if you're convicted of something else after that.
- There are certain crimes where juveniles are treated as
- adults in the Supreme Court and others that are dealt with in the
- Family Court. Certain procedures are different for juveniles.
- This guide won't discuss the distinctions.
- Generally speaking, the D.A.'s office can seek forfeiture of
- the instrumentality or proceeds of certain crimes.
- The D.A.'s office can even attach this property before
- you're convicted, if they can show there's a likelihood you'll be
- convicted. This is a relatively new law. Your lawyer will
- explain it to you, if it applies to your case.
- 16
- Almost all criminal cases (felonies, misdemeanors and viola-
- tions) start in the Criminal Court.
- Cases that start as felonies and are reduced to misdemeanors
- by the D.A., and cases that start as misdemeanors or violations,
- stay in the Criminal Court until they're finished.
- Cases that are going to remain felonies must be transferred
- to the Supreme Court. To do this, the D.A. must present his/her
- evidence to a Grand Jury, and get an indictment. This will be
- explained more fully, later.
- There are only three things that can happen to a criminal
- case: It can be dismissed or A.C.D.'d, by the D.A. or a judge
- (rare); you can plead guilty; or the case can go to trial (where
- you're either acquitted or convicted).
- If you get a dismissal, an A.C.D., an acquittal after trial,
- or plead guilty to a violation, your case can be sealed and your
- fingerprints and arrest photos may be returned to your lawyer.
- Unfortunately these will just be souvenirs because the
- police usually keep a copy of your photo for their mug files and
- your fingerprints are kept in the criminal justice computers.
- Potential employers and the like won't have access to your fin-
- gerprint record or any information about your case, but if you're
- rearrested, it will show up.
- If bail is set that you can't make, your case will usually
- be adjourned to six days from the date of your arrest.
- Basically, the law says that if you're in jail, the D.A. has
- six days (on a felony charge) from the date of arrest, to have
- witnesses give sworn testimony supporting the charges against
- you, or you're entitled to be released from jail.
- This can be done by bringing the witnesses to court for a
- preliminary hearing, or having them testify before a Grand Jury.
- It's very rare to have a preliminary hearing in New York
- City, because at a preliminary hearing, the defense lawyer gets a
- chance to cross-examine the witnesses. D.A.s would rather not
- expose their witnesses to cross-examination at this early stage,
- and they avoid doing this by going to the Grand Jury instead.
- The Grand Jury proceedings are secret, and defense lawyers are
- only entitled to be present when/if their own client testifies.
- 17
- On the adjourn date, if the D.A. has not complied with the
- law, you should be R.O.R.'d. But if s/he can show a good reason
- for not getting an indictment or providing a preliminary hearing
- within the six days, s/he can get an extension.
- A Grand Jury is comprised of 16-23 people. They listen to
- evidence presented by the D.A. and decide if there's enough
- evidence against a defendant for him/her to face felony charges.
- It takes 12 grand jurors to vote an "indictment".
- A Grand Jury also has the power to return a case to the
- Criminal Court as a misdemeanor, if it thinks there isn't enough
- evidence for felony charges, but there is enough for misdemeanor
- charges. This would be called a "prosecutor's information".
- The Grand Jury is an "arm" of the D.A.'s office, and the
- proceedings are secret, to protect the witnesses.
- It's not hard for a D.A. to get an indictment, because the
- Grand Jury usually only hears the D.A.'s evidence. There's no
- defense lawyer to cross-examine the witnesses, and they usually
- don't hear from the defendant.
- If you've been arrested, your lawyer will be notified if the
- D.A. intends to present your case to a Grand Jury.
- In certain cases your lawyer might advise you to testify in
- the Grand Jury, and/or present witnesses. To do that, s/he must
- notify the D.A., before the Grand Jury presentation is completed.
- If you testify in the Grand Jury, your lawyer can be there
- with you, but s/he can't ask questions or make objections.
- If things go well, the Grand Jury may fail to vote an in-
- dictment (No True Bill), and your case will be over, saving you
- alot of hassle and money. This is another reason to get a lawyer
- working on your case early on.
- Most cases that are presented to a Grand Jury, are presented
- within six days of arrest, to prevent the defendant's R.O.R.
- An indictment is merely a formal accusation listing the
- felony charges against you in the Supreme Court. It's not evi-
- dence of guilt.
- 18
- If you're indicted, your case will be transferred to the
- Supreme Court. If you're out of jail, you and your lawyer will
- be notified by mail, when to come to the Supreme Court to be
- arraigned on the indictment.
- Occasionally cases are presented to a Grand Jury before
- anyone is arrested. If the Grand Jury indicts, this is called a
- "silent indictment".
- The same "silent indictment" procedure may be followed if
- you were arrested for a felony and had your case dismissed by a
- judge in the Criminal Court.
- The D.A. still has the right to present felony charges to a
- Grand Jury within six months of your arrest. There's no time
- limitation if you're accused of homicide.
- In "silent indictment" cases, you won't be notified that
- your case is being presented to a Grand Jury and may not have the
- chance to testify or present defense witnesses.
- You'll still be able to present your defense at trial.
- If you're indicted this way, an arrest warrant issues and
- you'll be arrested and brought to Supreme Court for arraignment.
- The Supreme Court arraignment is similar to the Criminal
- Court arraignment on the initial complaint. You're advised of
- the charges against you and there's a decision on bail.
- If you're out of jail and have been coming to court when you
- were supposed to, and if you appear for arraignment when noti-
- fied, chances are, your bail status will remain the same.
- If you're in jail, you'll be brought to Supreme Court for
- arraignment and your lawyer will be notified when to appear.
- Your lawyer gets a copy of the indictment from the D.A. in
- court. S/he'll waive the public reading of the charges against
- you and enter a plea of not guilty for you. S/he may also get a
- "voluntary disclosure form" (V.D.F.), and police reports at this
- time, from the D.A. The V.D.F. has information your lawyer needs
- to prepare your case.
- 19
- If you're out of jail while your case is pending, you must
- appear in court on every adjourn date, unless your lawyer has
- arranged for you to be excused.
- Unless you're told otherwise, be there at 9:30 A.M. Keep
- track of the court part you're supposed to appear in and the
- adjourn date. This is your responsibility.
- The only time you should wait for a letter from the court,
- before appearing, is if your felony case has been transferred to
- the Supreme Court and you've been told to wait for notification
- of the Supreme Court arraignment date. A case is transferred to
- the Supreme Court after a Grand Jury has voted an indictment.
- If you get to court on time and don't see your lawyer, check
- to see if your name's on the court calendar to make sure you're
- in the right part on the right date.
- If it's the right part and date and your lawyer isn't there,
- it probably means s/he had to cover another case first. Most
- lawyers have to give priority to their clients who are in jail,
- and cover those cases first.
- If you leave the courtroom to call your lawyer, tell one of
- the court officers, so they won't call your case while you're not
- there, and issue a bench warrant.
- If you're late, or don't show up, the judge may issue a
- bench warrant. You can be arrested on that warrant. If you're
- out on bail, your bail money can be forfeited.
- Bail jumping is also a seperate crime you can be charged
- with if you're out on a bench warrant more that 30 days. It's
- very hard to defend that charge and sometimes gives the D.A.
- extra bargaining power in dealing with your current case.
- A bench warrant will also stay on your record and come back
- to haunt you later, even if you clear it up. It will give a
- judge an excuse to set higher bail on you in the future.
- If you can't come to court because you're sick, or because
- you've been rearrested, call your lawyer and let him/her know, or
- have a family member call.
- If you're represented by an assigned lawyer (Legal Aid or
- 18-B), that's no excuse for not calling to let him/her know why
- you can't make your court appearance.
- 20
- You should have your lawyer's card with his/her name and
- phone number. It's your responsibility to let your lawyer know
- if there's a good reason you can't come to court.
- Don't assume that if you're rearrested, somehow the court
- part where your case is pending will know about it.
- If you have a good excuse why you can't come to court, and
- your lawyer knows about it before going to court, s/he can tell
- the judge and ask him/her not to issue a bench warrant.
- Otherwise, the judge will issue a bench warrant and a bail
- forfeiture. This is a hassle for you and for the person who put
- up your bail.
- If you make all your court appearances, the bail money
- should be returned to the depositor several weeks after your case
- is over, whether you win or lose.
- If the depositor has moved since putting up the bail money,
- s/he'll have to go to the Department of Finance, at 1 Centre St.
- in Manhattan, with proof of identification and his/her bail
- receipt, to get the bail check.
- But if your bail was forfeited because you missed a court
- date, it's difficult for the depositor to get it back. Even if
- you're represented by an assigned lawyer, the person who put up
- your bail (depositor, or surety) may have to pay a private lawyer
- to do a "bail remission motion" to try to get back his/her money.
- The procedure varies from borough to borough, as does the
- amount of the cash bail, if any, that will be returned. If you
- have a bail bond, contact the bondsman if there's a forfeiture.
- A "bail remission motion" must be done within one year of
- the forfeiture of bail - that's the statute of limitations on
- these motions. The defendant must have returned to court before
- this motion can be brought.
- The bail depositor should not wait until your case is over
- before arranging for a "bail remission motion". If s/he waits
- beyond a year from the date of forfeiture, it may be too late to
- get any money back, because of the statute of limitations.
- If you "bench warrant", have your lawyer check your bail
- status when you return. If you return within 45 days of the
- forfeiture, there's an easier procedure for reinstating the bail.
- 21
- Criminal cases can take a long time to finish. This depends
- on the seriousness of the charges and whether you're going to
- take a plea or go to trial.
- There are "speedy trial rules" governing the amount of time
- the D.A. has, to be ready for trial, but more serious cases can
- take six to 12 months, or longer, to go to trial. Trial prefer-
- ence is usually given to defendants who are in jail.
- Technically the D.A. has to be ready for trial within six
- months of your arrest, (90 days for misdemeanors), but there are
- certain time periods that are excluded from the six months (or 90
- days), and these rules do not apply to homicide cases.
- Some of the reasons for the delay include: Crowded court
- calendars; busy D.A.s and defense lawyers; and delays in getting
- documents from the D.A. or police, that your lawyer needs to
- prepare for trial.
- Each case is different and requires different preparation.
- There are certain procedures that have to be followed. Your
- lawyer can explain this more fully as it relates to your case.
- The wait is frustrating, but there's little that can be done
- to speed things up. In certain cases, delay is helpful to the
- defendant.
- It's upsetting having criminal charges hanging over your
- head. Lawyers sensitive to their clients' feelings, often act as
- psychologists and social workers as well as lawyers. Maybe
- that's why we're also called counselors.
- After arraignment, your case will be adjourned. If it's a
- felony, trial preparation usually begins after you've been ar-
- raigned on the indictment. If it's a misdemeanor, trial prepara-
- tion begins after the Criminal Court arraignment.
- The next time the case is on, there will be a conference,
- where the D.A., the judge and your lawyer will discuss your case
- to see if it can be disposed of without a trial. There will
- probably be a plea offer. If the plea is refused, the case is
- adjourned for your lawyer to make "motions".
- Plea-bargaining will be discussed later in this guide.
- 22
- One of the biggest delays in the system is due to trial
- preparation. It's better to have the delay than go to trial
- without adequate preparation, even if you're in jail.
- One of the things your lawyer has to do is make certain
- "motions". S/he will prepare an Omnibus motion which is a formal
- written request for certain information the D.A. has about your
- case (discovery), and requests that certain evidence be sup-
- pressed, on the grounds it was obtained in violation of your
- rights. There are also certain "dismissal" motions that are
- included, where appropriate.
- There will usually be hearings on the suppression motions,
- if the judge thinks you're entitled to them. These pre-trial
- hearings will be discussed later.
- Another thing your lawyer has to do to prepare your case for
- trial is to investigate. Sometimes an investigation can't be
- done until the D.A. responds to your lawyer's "discovery" motions
- and turns over police reports to him/her.
- The D.A. often keeps information from the defense until the
- eve of trial. Police reports are often turned over with the
- names and addresses of witnesses deleted, to protect them.
- Judges usually don't make the D.A. disclose that information
- until trial. We sometimes call this "trial by ambush".
- Your case will be adjourned, usually about three weeks at a
- time, until it's ready for trial or you take a plea.
- Because of all the delays, some defendants take pleas just
- to avoid having to come back to court so many times. This is
- more likely to happen in Criminal Court in misdemeanors cases.
- Many people think plea-bargaining is a dirty word. Plea-
- bargaining is actually like negotiating a disposition of a case.
- Sometimes a plea-bargain is appropriate.
- Whether you take a plea or go to trial is an important
- decision you have to make. It's not the kind of decision your
- lawyer should make for you, but his/her opinion should be very
- important to you when you decide to take a plea or go to trial.
- Once your lawyer has a clear enough picture of the evidence
- against you, s/he can evaluate the chances of winning your trial.
- S/he will usually balance your odds of winning, against the
- amount of time you could be sentenced to if you lose trial, and
- the sentence being offered in the plea-bargain.
- 23
- Defendants who are in jail awaiting trial are more likely to
- take pleas than defendants who are out of jail.
- The decision is a very difficult one, especially if you're
- innocent and the evidence against you looks strong. There are
- provisions in the law for a person to plead guilty without admit-
- ting guilt. This is called a SERRANO plea or an ALFORD plea
- (named after the cases that allow this kind of plea). Some
- judges don't like to take SERRANO/ALFORD pleas.
- It's very hard to admit guilt if you're innocent, but there
- are defendants who do it because their chances of winning are so
- slim, they'd rather take the sure thing (usually probation or low
- jail time) than risk a severe jail sentence after losing trial.
- If you go to trial and lose, you usually get more time than
- that offered in the plea-bargain. It's like getting extra pun-
- ishment for putting the state through the trouble and expense of
- the trial.
- No matter how experienced or skillful your lawyer is,
- there's no guarantee of winning a trial. One reason people take
- pleas is to avoid the uncertainty of trial.
- Trial is an uphill battle for the defense. The D.A. has
- most of the tools. S/he has police and detective investigators
- (D.I.s) to help investigate and get witnesses to cooperate.
- Even if the defense has been able to get the names and
- locations of witnesses, there's no real way to get them to coop-
- erate if they don't want to, and most people don't want to get
- involved.
- The D.A. also has public opinion on his/her side. Even
- though the law says that you're presumed to be innocent, and that
- the burden of proving your guilt is on the D.A., jurors do not
- always understand or follow the law.
- Unfortunately, nowadays, especially is New York City, jurors
- are exposed to crime on the streets, either personally or through
- the media, and tend to presume you're guilty and expect the
- defense to prove your innocence. This is especially true if
- you're minority or poor.
- Sorry to paint such a grim picture, but that's where things
- are at, and this guide discusses realities, not ideals.
- There are several types of hearings, called pre-trial hear-
- ings, or suppression hearings, that may occur before a trial jury
- is selected.
- 24
- Not every case has pre-trial hearings. It depends on the
- evidence against you. These hearings are usually named after
- certain landmark cases.
- After the hearings, the judge decides whether or not to let
- the D.A. use certain evidence against you at trial. If the
- evidence in question at the hearing is the only evidence against
- you, and you win the hearing, that might be the end of your case.
- A HUNTLEY hearing is to suppress statements allegedly made
- by you to a law enforcement officer (including police, D.A., or
- their agent), on the grounds that you weren't advised of your
- constitutional right to remain silent or were forced to make the
- statement, either by threats or brutality.
- I often have clients tell me, when I interview them for the
- first time, that the police did not "read them their rights".
- They seem to think that's a way to get a case dismissed. Unfor-
- tunately, that's rarely the result. The only consequence of not
- reading you your rights is that if you made a confession, there
- are grounds to get it suppressed.
- It's unlikely that the police will admit they failed to read
- you your rights, or that they threatened or beat you. At the
- HUNTLEY hearing they'll probably testify that they read you your
- (MIRANDA) rights, and deny that they used any force.
- The judge usually believes the police. This happens in most
- instances where the police version differs from the defendants'.
- A DUNAWAY hearing is also a hearing to suppress statements,
- on the grounds that the police didn't have probable cause (any
- legal reason) to arrest you in the first place.
- A WADE hearing is a hearing to suppress the identification
- on the grounds that the pre-trial identification procedure was
- suggestive, and that the witness would not have otherwise been
- able to identify you.
- A MAPP hearing is a hearing to suppress physical evidence
- seized from you (usually a weapon, drugs, or the proceeds of a
- crime), on the grounds that the police had no legal right to stop
- you or search you in the first place.
- A SANDOVAL hearing is a hearing to prohibit the D.A. from
- using your criminal record to impeach you during cross-
- examination, if you testify at trial.
- Ordinarily, when a witness testifies at trial, the opposing
- counsel can use the witness' criminal record on cross-examination
- to show that the witness isn't worthy of belief.
- When the witness is the defendant, the court has to balance
- your constitutional right to testify on your own behalf against
- the D.A.'s right to this cross-examination technique.
- 25
- The problem is that juries tend to believe that if you've
- committed crimes in the past, you probably committed this one
- too, and that's not one of the factors a jury is supposed to
- consider as evidence. The defense attorney tries to limit this
- through the SANDOVAL hearing.
- If you don't testify at trial, the D.A. can't introduce your
- criminal record, except under specific conditions that are too
- technical to discuss here.
- After the pretrial hearings are finished, the trial begins.
- The trial is the part of the case where a decision is made by a
- judge or a jury, after listening to the evidence, as to your
- guilt or innocence.
- You're entitled to a jury trial in all felony cases, and
- misdemeanor cases that carry penalties over six months in jail.
- Even if you're entitled to a jury trial, there are certain
- cases that are better tried without a jury. This kind of deci-
- sion is between you and your lawyer and usually depends on the
- specifics of your case and which judge is in the trial part.
- It's important to dress appropriately when you're on trial.
- Dress like you would for a church function, not like you would on
- a date. You want to look neat but not flashy.
- If you're out of jail and don't appear for trial, in addi-
- tion to getting a bench warrant and forfeiting your bail, your
- case may be tried without you.
- Most judges warn defendants of that possibility. If you've
- been warned, and don't appear, you can be tried, convicted and
- sentenced in your absence. The likelihood of conviction in-
- creases, if you're not present at your trial.
- When the police pick you up on the bench warrant, you'll be
- sent to jail to serve your sentence. You may also, practically
- speaking, waive your right to appeal.
- Assuming you're having a jury trial, the first part is to
- select the jury. This is called voir dire.
- A panel of prospective jurors is brought to the courtroom
- from the Central Jury Panel. The judge explains some general
- principles of law to them.
- From that panel, 12 or more at a time, (six if it's a misde-
- meanor trial), are called into the jury box to be questioned by
- the judge, the D.A., and the defense attorney.
- 26
- The purpose of the voir dire is to give the D.A. and the
- defense attorney a chance to find out whether the prospective
- juror can be fair.
- After each round, the attorneys usually leave the courtroom
- with the judge and court reporter (who records the proceedings),
- and challenge the jurors they don't want.
- It's more a process of elimination than one of selection.
- There are a specific number of peremptory challenges for each
- side, depending on the nature of the charges.
- Peremptory challenges are those that do not require the
- attorney to give a reason for the challenge.
- If either side can show the judge that a potential juror
- can't be fair, then that juror can be challenged for cause.
- Challenges for cause are unlimited.
- A felony trial jury consists of 12 jurors and usually two
- alternates. If one of the jurors can't continue to serve (be-
- cause of illness or the like), an alternate is substituted.
- After the jury is selected, the judge usually tells them
- more of the general principles of law. S/he explains their
- duties and explains the order of the trial. S/he also warns them
- not to discuss the case with anyone until it's over.
- The D.A. then makes an opening statement. This tells the
- jury what s/he intends to prove to them during the trial. S/he
- usually describes this as a table of contents.
- The defense attorney may also make an opening statement.
- This will be a matter of trial strategy that your lawyer will
- decide, depending on the nature of your defense.
- The defense attorney is not required to make an opening
- statement, because the defense is not obligated to prove anything
- during the trial.
- After opening statements, the D.A. presents evidence.
- Evidence is testimony from witnesses, and exhibits (weapons,
- contraband, documents, etc.).
- When a witness testifies for the D.A., s/he questions
- him/her first. This is direct examination. When the defense
- attorney questions that witness, it's cross-examination.
- When the D.A. has finished putting on his/her case, your
- lawyer has the right to present a defense case.
- However, the defense doesn't have to present a case because
- the defense doesn't have to prove anything.. The jury is sup-
- posed to decide, based on what the D.A. presents, if they're
- convinced of your guilt "beyond a reasonable doubt".
- 27
- A major trial decision is whether or not you'll testify in
- your own behalf at trial. Even though the jury is told not to
- hold it against you if you don't testify, they often do hold it
- against you. The decision is harder if the D.A. has been given
- permission to cross-examine you about your criminal record.
- After the defense rests, the D.A. may present evidence to
- rebut something the defense has raised in its case. If this
- happens, the defense may present evidence to rebut that.
- When both sides finish presenting their evidence, they rest.
- Then they do summations. The defense attorney sums up first,
- and, because s/he has the burden of proof, the D.A. sums up last.
- Summations are the lawyers' comments about the evidence to
- show why they think the jury should reach a certain verdict.
- When both sides finish their summations, the judge explains
- the relevant law to the jury and sends them out to deliberate
- until they reach a verdict.
- They're not allowed to discuss the case with anyone who
- isn't on the jury.
- A verdict must be unanimous. Sometimes the jury can't reach
- a verdict by the end of the day, and they're sequestered for the
- night (sent to a hotel together).
- If the jury can't reach a unanimous verdict, and it seems
- they won't be able to no matter how long they deliberate, they
- may let the judge know they're deadlocked, and the judge may de-
- clare a hung jury. If that happens, you may be tried again.
- If you're acquitted (found not guilty), you can't be charged
- or tried again for the same case.
- If you're convicted after trial, or take a plea, the case
- will be adjourned for the probation department to prepare a
- report to aid the judge in sentencing. If you've been in jail
- awaiting trial you'll get credit for that time toward your sen-
- tence.
- It's very important to make a good impression on the person
- interviewing you, because his/her recommendation carries alot of
- weight. Even if your sentence was negotiated by plea-bargain, if
- the probation report is bad, the judge may decide not to keep
- his/her promise to you and give you the option of taking more
- jail time or withdrawing your plea.
- 28
- Also, your probation report is attached to your file and is
- taken into consideration when you become eligible for parole.
- If you're eligible for "youthful offender" treatment, the
- probation report is sometimes the deciding factor.
- If you've taken a plea and are out of jail awaiting sen-
- tence, and fail to keep your appointment for your interview with
- the Department of Probation, or get convicted of another crime,
- or fail to appear in court on the date of sentence, the judge can
- give you a harsher sentence, without giving you the option of
- withdrawing your plea.
- When the Department of Probation prepares its report, they
- usually contact the D.A. for input, but not the defense attorney.
- If you're convicted after trial, your lawyer may want to prepare
- his/her own "pre-sentence report" to balance things out.
- If you're convicted after trial, your lawyer must file a
- "notice of appeal" for you within 30 days of the sentence date to
- insure your right to appeal.
- If you're indigent, a lawyer will be assigned to do your
- appeal. It will either be a Legal Aid lawyer or an 18-B lawyer.
- Appeals take a long time to be heard. Part of the delay,
- especially if you're indigent, is the length of time it takes the
- appeals lawyer to get the minutes of the trial.
- Assigned lawyers have alot of cases to do, so it usually
- takes longer for them to get to your case. It sometimes takes
- years for an appeal to be heard.
- If you can afford to pay privately for the appeal, and the
- minutes of the trial, you can speed up the process quite a bit.
- Sometimes you can get bail pending appeal, but the majority
- of defendants wait in jail until their appeal is heard.
- If you're arrested, you can tell the police your name,
- address, date of birth, etc. (pedigree information), but don't
- answer questions about the crime or where you were when it hap-
- pened.
- 29
- To protect yourself, cut out the card below and keep it with
- you, just in case. If you borrowed this book from your library,
- please just photocopy this card. Hand it to the police if they
- want to question you; search you or your property; or place you
- in a line-up. This card could save you years in jail.
- ----------------------------------
- * I do not wish to answer any *
- * questions without speaking to *
- * an attorney first. I do not *
- * consent to a search. I do not *
- * consent to being in a line-up. *
- * I will not waive any of my *
- * constitutional rights. *
- * Thank You. *
- ----------------------------------
- 30
- Joyce David is a criminal lawyer with offices in the Tower
- Suite of 16 Court Street, Brooklyn, N.Y., 11241, (718) 875-2000.
- Ms. David is admitted to practice in the State and Federal
- courts in New York and in the United States Supreme Court.
- She's represented thousands of defendants accused of almost
- every type of crime. She's a frequent lecturer and is often
- consulted by the media on matters relating to the Criminal Jus-
- tice System.
- Ms. David's professional activities include:
- * Vice President - New York State Association of Criminal
- Defense Lawyers (also Chair Task Force on Bias in
- the Criminal Justice System)
- * Executive Vice President - Kings County Criminal Bar
- * Homicide Panel - Second Judicial Department
- * Co-Chair Criminal Law & Procedure Committee - Brooklyn
- Bar Association
- * Women & Minorities Committee - National Association of
- Criminal Defense Lawyers
- * Executive Vice Chair - Brooklyn Women's Political Caucus
- * Special Counsel to Co-Chair - New York State Democratic
- Committee, Women's Division
- * Candidate for State Committeewoman - 1984
- * Freelance Journalist
- * Society of Professional Journalists & NY Deadline Club
- * New York Women in Communications, Inc.
- * Mensa
- 31